I've been subscribed to Meekakitty on Youtube for over a year now because she's quite adorable to watch. There's always something cute about her videos which, more often than not, turn out to just be her chattering away about something or other. Things I know about Meekakitty are all information she has willingly given away through her videos so one thing I know for certain is she lives in the U.S.
Therefore, it was quite a surprise when I spotted a picture of her on a banner ad for a website called Fling.com at the bottom of beachcreeps. This advert was basically informing me of all the girls "looking for fun" in Edinburgh (what are the chances!) and there was Tessa... Obviously, I know she never set up an account on this website claiming to be looking for fun in Edinburgh, I'm not stupid. But I still find it amusing that someone has actually used an internet "celebrity" to try and find a "fling".
I decided to make a short video to let Tessa know that her picture is being used in this way (on the off-chance that she isn't already aware of this) and figured, as it's the day before Valentine's day, I'd offer her a cupcake sprinkled with hearts. I had to use my webcam for fear of running out of time on getting this up before tomorrow hence why the quality is atrocious. But there you go.
I've got no idea if she'll even watch my video.
yay a comment! its me!
you dont know who I am
It's me anyway!
Do you see what I did there?
I went from terrible grammar to perfect grammar in roughly 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480685132830 seconds. yeah
i have that memorized
oh well
good find on tessa! she recently (i dont know which of you found it first) posted a video being grumpy at them for that. HI