

At the end of my last post I wrote something along the lines of "things could definitely be worse!"... Well, in case you're wondering, the severe lack of blog entries after that post (and no, I'm not including the video of that cool Google thing), is because things most certainly and most definitely went shit-side up for me. And there I was, in a country where I had no friends except my sister who was juggling jobs. Not to mention her boyfriend who seemed to really hate me. And then my boyfriend back in Scotland decided to have some serious long-distance-relationship issues which resulted in some super-duper confused and stressful followed quickly by desperation and depression. It was pretty bad, my mental health did a belly flop and it's just unfortunate that writing about my "cruel world" for a stupid online blog was not exactly at the top of my list of priorities. To be honest, I didn't have a list of priorities except sleep for as long as possible to get away from it all. Even eating was abandoned and I dropped several dress sizes.

But anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is: "I'm not in Helsinki any more". I've heard loads of stories of people just packing up and moving somewhere like China or Indonesia and genuinely thought that I'd be "safer" in Helsinki. I thought, well, I won't have to deal with language barriers or culture shocks or anything like that, I'll be in a place with my amazing sister and the two of us will have such a fantastic time...


Once it became apparent that the isolation and my solitary confinement to my room was NOT helping the situation, I made the difficult decision to pack my life up again and come home. It hasn't been easy but it was definitely the right thing to do.

Now here I am, confessing to having failed at so much more than just regularly updating this blog. But it's February, and it's a new year. Things have settled slightly since I moved back to Scotland in November. I hope that I'll be able to keep writing but I can't promise anything (and I have no one to promise to either, I mean, no one actually reads my posts so I guess this is mainly for me).

Right, well, that's it for now. The door's always open :)

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