
I LOVE LUSH! (among other things...)

This is quite a big deal to me but I GOT MY FIRST VIDEO RESPONSE!!

I mean, I've been making videos (kinda on and off) since May of last year and as I'm not one of those people who will "do anything for subscribers", I don't have many. Today, my subscriber count stands at 19 and I'm very happy with all 19 of them! But the majority of my comments (and I guess my subscribers as well...) are family members who are obviously biased when it comes to commenting.

BUT a couple of days ago I got my first video response! Like I said, this is a big deal to me because when I uploaded my How do you say "FEBRUARY"? video, my only wish was for someone to make a video response, just one person. I even put a desperate plea at the end of the video asking my sister to please be that person because I was positive the chances of me even achieving some views were slim.

Then I found BecccaLynnn's channel randomly because she posted a video about receiving Nerimon's playing cards in the post and, as I'm still waiting for my pack to arrive, I was keen to see what other people thought of them.

In other news, I bought my first product from LUSH yesterday. I basically got on the wrong bus and ended up half way down Prince's Street instead of North Bridge and for some reason, I saw LUSH and just decided I wanted to buy something before I even walked in. I mean, I've been to LUSH before and have always marveled at how amazing that place smells (seriously, you should go smell it) but I've always shied away from purchasing stuff from there because it's quite expensive. But the face wash that I'm using now is nearly done and I figured I'd splash out a little and get the OCEAN SALT face scrub. I now can't wait for my stupid Nivia face wash to hurry up and finish so I can start using my very own ocean in a pot!

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