
Let The Right One In

When it comes to Let The Right One In, I feel like I'm missing something. On the surface, it contains all the right ingredients of a film that I would usually rush out and buy: it's horror, it has vampires (not sparkly ones), and it's from Sweden therefore allowing me to brush up on my world cinema. Additionally, the reviews it has received are incredibly favourable! For example, Rotton Tomatoes gives it a very generous 98%!

And it's not as if this film "fell short" of impressing me; the more I watched it, the more bored, irritated and down right disappointed I became to the point that once it finally finished, I felt nothing other than relief.

Unfortunately, I'm not really able to pin point exactly what my issue is with this film. I mean, the acting was fine, the dialogue was alright and the story itself was endearing. There just seemed to be no backbone or structure to the tale. No real direction in what was happening. And let's not forget the part where a woman gets attacked by CGI cats only to fall down the stairs moments later. Actually, that was probably my favourite bit.

So yeah... I might try reading the book in the hope that it may possibly shed some light on what it is that the movie is lacking...

Although, I'm in no real hurry to do so.

Rating: */****

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