
Saving Eeyore

Things have been pretty hectic for me recently, a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and being a general pest to myself and others in my vicinity. However, I have finally finished moving all my crap into my new place and accidentally/on purpose managed to acquire an Eeyore stocking along the way. Be warned; this anecdote illustrates how mentally unstable I really am!

You see, I think it had something to do with the lack of caffeine. I drink a lot of coffee/energy drinks at work and on Monday, I was challenged by those at the desks around me to go one full day just drinking water. I knew it was going to be tough and I knew I was going to be cranky. By the end of the day, my mood was all over the place and I just wanted to go home to bed. The last thing I really wanted to be doing was moving the last drips and drabs of my stuff. Especially as it was "pishin it doon". I mean, it wasn't just a drizzle, it was borderline torrential.

It was as we pulled up one of the neighbouring streets to park that I saw it. Something on the road. Something that looked a little bit like a red towel. Then a pillow. Then it became clear! It was Eeyore! In the road! Abandoned and getting soaked! I can't really explain why I felt such a strong urge to "save" it because even now, I know it sounds gross. But that's what I did. I picked it up (it turned out to be an Eeyore Christmas stocking), took it home and bunged it straight into the washing machine. The photo came about due to my telling this tale at work. And then my deciding to share it with you.

I told you, this blog is ODD.

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