
The Hunger Games begin...

After finally finishing Four Past Midnight by Stephen King, I was just about to sink my teeth into a reread of the last three Harry Potter books (I mean, the movie is almost upon us!) when a conversation at work with my lunch buddy, Morven, turned to a trilogy I had heard a lot about. I'm clearly talking about Susanne Collins's The Hunger Games which received a lot of exceptionally positive reviews here on the interwebs. I was telling Morven about how excited the girl in Waterstone's got when I rocked up at the counter with the whole set and how she almost had a fit when I told her that they were making the movie.

Anyways, being a bookworm herself, Morven was convinced enough to go ahead and buy them and suggested we read them together to share views and so, last night, I put Harry Potter aside (I mean, I've read them so many times I can practically recite them!) and picked up volume one of The Hunger Games. I'm only on chapter 3 at the moment but have a feeling that I'm probably going to get through them rather quickly. I already love the atmosphere and air of desperation that's been set.

I'll keep you posted on my thoughts :)

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