
Free Cinema Tickets

After several months of leaving my YouTube account unattended, it was this video that made me think fuck it! i'm gonna make a new video!! I decided against writing a plan/script for the video and just sat in front of the camera in my PJs and just decided to talk about anything at all. This is the result. Anyways, I've got a really important video to make soon so hopefully I'll get that up and blogged about ASAP.


The Raven

Earlier today I randomly started quoting The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. I've had this version on my iPod for almost a year now and I absolutely love it. I actually haven't read much of Poe, although what I have read truly grips me.

Currently reading Knots and Crosses by Ian Rankin after giving up on The Hunger Games after the second book. I will definitely read the last one (Mockingjay) at some point, I just got a little sick of Catching Fire and it took me a good two months to finish the damn thing.

In other news, my sister has moved back to the UK! After a good seven-odd years of living in far off distant lands (and this is my younger sister we're talking about!), she has decided to grace our shores once more! It's also the first of September today... which means I'm taking part in RE:LENTLESS. I'm basically torturing myself by not drinking any carbonated soft drinks for a month. Today was day one. I'm shattered. I need sleep.